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Aki Hassan presents a new body of work that reimagines love letters as embodied scores, unfolding through an expanded installation of drawings and sculptural forms. Considering the love letter as a site of intimate exchange, Aki examines how it makes space for emotions such as rage, desire and solidarity to surface and take form. Attuned to the gestures of mutuality and reciprocity, the exhibition traces the precarious structures of interdependency and relational holding.

Aki Hassan (b. 1995) is a visual artist based between Glasgow and Singapore. Recent exhibitions have been held at Yeo Workshop, National Gallery Singapore, and Royal Scottish Academy New Contemporaries 2022. Through material explorations and process-driven methodologies, they create work that examines ideas around care and asymmetrical forms of dependencies.

Yeo Workshop, Singapore

47 Malan Road, #01-25
109444 Singapore

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