Pol Wah Tse's presentation is a continuation of his series 𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘴 displayed in tandem with a composite installation of kinetic kitchenware sculptures. Exploring the boundary between traditional fine art mediums and everyday materials, the artist presents a gesture in which his syntactic play with matter is articulated through a significant shift in plasticity and scale.
Pol Wah Tse (b. 1997) is a sculptor whose artistic language utilises traditional fine art mediums and everyday materials and isolates their proprietary identities in the context of their function. His practice focuses on use, misuse, and play in a syntax that recombines the status of materials as interchangeable. Wah Tse has recently exhibited at The Menāea Collection (Tokyo), Digestivo (Madrid), Fluent (Santander), Hothouse (London), and Final Hot Desert (London).