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a. SQUIRE presents new oil paintings and works on paper by Evangeline Turner for Liste 2025. Palimpsestic images of the troubled moralities of today, they swill the surreal, real landscapes of the 2020s and spit them out again with a distinctive bluntness. Turner serves droll humour and the utmost sincerity in equal measure. Thematic and compositional perversions are rife. And yet, her works also disclose a propensity for modesty, the pleasures of puritanism, and the indefatigability of the art historical canon. This is English Painting with a post-Brexit, post-Empire, twilight zone tang.

Evangeline Turner (b. 1996, London, where she lives and works) is a painter and musician, and performs with David Wrench as audiobooks. In 2023 she presented her first solo exhibition, ‘Chaff’, at a. SQUIRE. The show constellated subdued references to absinthe, avian species, English theoretical physicist Paul Dirac, and the Book of Revelation.

a. Squire, London

3 Princeton St,
London WC1R 4AX,
United Kingdom

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