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For Liste, Connie Wilson presents a suite of new wall-hung oil tank sculptures. Adopting the forms to set about a new interiority – the created oil tanks house miniature airport hotel rooms inside, viewable only through doorways that act as peepholes. The fossil fuels generally contained within their bovine-like vessels (themselves derived from plant and animal remains) feed a carnivorous, if not cannibalistic, cycle. Installed at the viewer's own level, one is left to negotiate with another somatic presence, generously revealing its core.

Connie Wilson (b. 1993, Belfast, Northern Ireland) received her BFA from NSCAD University in 2016 and an MFA from the University of Guelph in 2021. Recent exhibitions include Chris Andrews, Montréal (2024); dacodac, Zürich (2024); Pumice Raft, Toronto (2023); and Franz Kaka, Toronto (2022). Wilson is currently based in Athens, Greece.

Chris Andrews, Montréal

Chris Andrews
1660 Rue Villeray
Montréal, QC
H2E 1H4

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