For his solo presentation at Liste, Mark Rodriguez will present a selection of new works from his Forever series, which revolve around the postage stamp, specifically the Forever Stamp. Introduced into circulation in 2007 in the US, the Forever Stamp possesses the unique quality of never expiring. It can always be used as a first class, one ounce stamp regardless of when it was purchased.
Mark A. Rodriguez (b. 1982, Chicago, IL) lives and works in northern New Mexico. A selection of solo exhibitions include: Great Recession Drawings, Gallery Paul Soto, Los Angeles, 2020; Account, Gallery Paul Soto, Los Angeles, 2019; Earth Day AF, Park View, Los Angeles, 2016; Search. Connect. Move. Review, 5 Car Garage, Los Angeles, 2015; Cup or Lovers, Park View, Los Angeles, 2015; Exclusive Power Night, metro pcs, Los Angeles, 2014; ESQ., Gridspace, New York, 2014; 18 Double Rolls, Night Gallery, Los Angeles, 2013. Some recent publications include: After All is Said and Done: Taping the Grateful Dead 1965-1995. New York, Anthology Editions: 2022; Idea Art For Kids. Belgium, Zolo Press: 2020.
Chris Sharp Gallery, Los Angeles
4650 W Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90016
United States