Braegger and Crawford’s duo booth is part backstage, part street, part urban cliché—a microcosm of its own, filled with exaggerated and stylized characters. Crawford’s hurried businessmen, rebellious punks, and disillusioned artists merge with Braegger’s narrative, prop-like, hybrid objects and talking, method-acting mannequins. They will inhabit the booth—left behind, forgotten—challenging the public to view city life as a continuous act of role-playing and self-referentiality.
Karolin Braegger (b. 1993), is a Vienna and Zurich based artist with a Diploma in Fine Arts from the Academy of Fine Arts (Prof. Zobernig) and a Diploma in Fashion Design from the University of Applied Arts (prof. Bonner), Vienna. In 2023, she was a resident at Cité Internationale des Arts Paris. Recent exhibitions include City Galerie Wien, Kunstforum, Vienna and All Stars, Lausanne.