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In the framework of a classroom setting, Larry Achiampong (Copperfield) & Marcus Jefferson (Harlesden High Street) reflect on the lottery of growing up black, that begins with racism and socio-economics but is rooted in prejudices that can only be understood properly with time and consideration. Achiampong requests people in power to repeat a phrase in chalk, turning punishment to reflection. Phrases like "everybody wants to be black until it's time to be black" confront the commodification of black identity, against a backdrop of fleeting solidarity on social media feeds. Jefferson brings the windows and floor to this conceptual classroom, made with materials used in the drug trade from Vaseline & clingfilm to free lottery tickets, all used to conceal and evade detection.

Drawing on his Ghanaian roots, Larry Achiampong employs imagery, aural and visual archives, performance and sound to explore ideas on class, cross-cultural and post-digital identity. His work is held in collections internationally, including Tate, Government Art Collection, British Council, The Sindika Dokolo Collection, FRAC Bretagne, Servais Family Collection.

Copperfield, London

6 Copperfield St,
London SE1 0EP,
United Kingdom

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